Monday, April 28, 2008

Writers and Biographers Needed

So, there's this obituary thing...

I do fancy myself a bit of a writer, but I don't much like deadlines. Anybody who'd like to throw in some thoughts (which may end up re-written, plagiarised or ignored) is welcome to chime in, either here or at my email at

Also, I wondered about putting the blog address in the obit. It might give people who didn't know what was going on a place to catch up, but as that includes your comments, let me know if you think its a bad idea.

There's a basic un-proofed fact sheet below.
I'm not all that hot on dates, particularly before we met in 78, so fill in where you can.

Born: December 12, 1946

Master's Degree
Unbound, 1981 - 1991
CEC, 1986? - 1999?
Avalon Networks
da Woods Bed and Breakfast - 2004 - present

Husband, Kevin Crawley
Mother, Marie Paulina
Brother Carl Paulina, Patty Turpen
Sister Susan Johnson, Brad Johnson
Father John Crawley and Olive
Sister Kathleen Crawley, Tim Dybevik
Sister Ellen Thorn, Mark Thorn
Sister Sara Poser, Steve Poser
Sister Colleen Schell, Doug Schell
Brother Dennis Crawley, Jane Pacheco
Sister Ann Crawley, Jeff Gerner
Brother Patrick Crawley, Kerry ODell Crawley

da Nieces: Valerie Johnson, LIllian Paulina, Amber Johnon, Carrie Johnson, Robin Dybevik, Lauren Schell, Elizabeth Thorn, Kathleen Thorn, Hanna Thorn, and Keira Crawley

da Nephews: Andrew Johnson, Andrew Dybevik, Joe Dybevik, Sam Poser, Gabe Poser, Patrick Schell, Gavin Crawley, Alexander Gerner, Christian Gerner, Liam Crawley and Emmet Crawley


nancyturtle said...

I'm looking thru some pictures from the first couple of years in Iowa. I got there in February of 1974 and dp arrived a couple of months later.
The Masters program was 76-77, perhaps into early 78.

Anonymous said...

I miss her gentleness already. She is so loved, and so are you. We will come whenever you want us to.
Peace brother....
for what it's worth...I'm still Crawley, much to my mother in law's chagrin.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were entertaining the idea of publishing the whole thing in some fashion anyhow; and i wasn't admitting to drinking and driving, so you are welcome to my words. and again, i love you kevin crawley! your friend, A. Noni Mouse

nancyturtle said...

I think including the blog address is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin,

I thought that this seemed to describe Diana. Maybe you can use it somewhere when you publish all of these writings*********

To laugh often and love much;
To win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children;
To earn the approbation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give a bit of one's self;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;
To know that even one life has breathed easier because YOU have lived~ this is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

We usually have a memorial Mass at the Romanian church that our grandparents helped build years ago for all of the relatives in the Hrit family who have passed on. It usually is in May or June. Diana will of course be remembered along with our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Now she is with all of those wonderful people that we miss so much including my parents. I hope she gives them a hug for all of us.

Anonymous said...

The Emerson piece and comments were sent by Cousin Carol Fox. I've been crying all day and am not too with it. Sorry I forgot to sign my name.

Cranium Man said...

So much to say, and just now I'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry, but so blessed to have known dp. She was such an original model. She will be missed deeply. Whatever you want us to do, we will do.

Dennis and Jane

Anonymous said...

But Sam is going to work on the writing though right? You can describe her spirit better than the rest of us, and I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings by saying that.
Kevin, Robin is wondering if she is going to send some signs...we're looking, but I told her they might be in Iowa. We love you and will see you this weekend. Katie

nancyturtle said...

Katie, tell Robin that the signs will be anywhere someone who loves dp is and is open to find them. A flower where you least expect it, a tree you didn't know existed, an essay or poem you come across or a new lawn or garden ornament that grabs your eye; think of dp guiding your attention to these things.

Anonymous said...

Mark and I had a toast to dp this evening, a shot of tequila of course. Because we don't have shot glasses we had to use one on the window sill that came with little cards that say "ps from God". That reminded me to read the cards, I found "expect inner healing" was the most appropriate.
Love you,

nancyturtle said...

The signs come when you least expect, or when you need them.....

Cranium Man said...

My deal with Kevin and writing has always been that I will edit until he cries for mercy. I'm mostly a slicer.

Spring is a good time for signs of all kinds. Look for the everyday miracles. Every day the sun rises and sets, flowers grow, fish jump. Friends communicate.

I'm still trying out this strange new world. It's an amazing place, but there's somebody missing.

Anonymous said...


From my experience or intuition, at the last phase of life often people want to know that they have loved well and been well loved. The last time I saw Diana I told her there was no doubt that this was the truth in her life.

Her legacy goes so far beyond those simple ideas and I have been composing the following thoughts for awhile. One of the many things striking to me about DP has been how many women I know, including myself, that credit her with major lessons in learning about being a woman (I know she taught a lot to men as well but I am just focusing on this for now). And not just Tang generation women like myself but women born decades before me and decades after me. In conversations we have all acknowledged that she modeled and explicitly encouraged us to be strong women, speaking directly and honestly, savoring rather than fearing the impressions we could leave with people, questioning everything, making music with hands and mouths even when our teachers said we couldn’t, being devoted daughters, dancing because we can, saying “I love you” outloud whenever we felt it towards our sweethearts and friends, encouraging each other with humor and support. I know there is so much more that can be said and so much that words can’t capture. I wanted to get this out there while I believe DP is still hanging around, musing at how we are all adjusting to what Sam aptly called this new world. Among the many, I love you friend Diana. My heart and warmth are with you Kevin - in being so encouraging of Diana being who she is, you encouraged all of us through her. Wow. Marcy

Anonymous said...

There is a fine article about Diana, the "Lady of Letters" (they called her), who influenced many young people positively in her life as an alternative educator, on the front page of the Press Citizen this morning. You can find it here:, in "local news"


nancyturtle said...

The sunrise in New Mexico this morning was particularly beautiful. Thank you dp.