Thursday, April 3, 2008

Going Home

Things seem to be set up.

We'll go downstairs Real Soon Now for the first of what should be five radiotherapy treatments. Someone from Hospice will be here around 12:30 to take out her IV, and change to a morphine PCA that is administered subcutaneously. That will be more stable than the IV, but it means the only fluids she'll get are what she can take by mouth, and that hasn't been going so well. That puts us much more on the 'days' than 'weeks' side of the prognosis. If you want to stop by before dp's Next Great Adventure, I'd plan on doing it pretty soon.

At this point, I'm thinking we'll do the Memorial service much like Shorty's, which includes scheduling it a couple weeks out. That will give those of you who do want to engage in our very informal process of planting a tree and throwing a party a little time to work out logistics.

I haven't allowed myself to go here before now, so those plans are very tentative. I'll post more as we develop a plan.

Meanwhile, "Real Soon Now" has turned into "Eventually" for the radiotherapy treatment. Since the Hospice person is scheduled to arrive at 12:30, maybe we'll do that first, and RT after that. I don't really care, as long as we're home by this evening.


Anonymous said...

Trooley will be so happy to see you...he's pretty mopey this morning.

I'll be at your place between 3:30 and 4:00 before I greet Marie from the bus. I'll check here before I go to see if you'd like me to do anything in particular.

Loving yous guys.

Anonymous said...


Mark and I will be there Friday, I believe your other sisters will be on their way tonight.
Much love,

Unknown said...

This is so hard to accept. We love you both so much. And Kevin, you have been truly heroic; with your care and strength for Diana. I wish for no pain and a clear head for her, Love, pt

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I just don’t have the words I need, and being 2000 miles away just sucks. This is one of those times. I have marveled at both of you, Kevin and dp, for your courage throughout this past year. I have so much appreciated the time you take to write your messages here. Know that my thoughts are with you both.

I loved your words today about “dp’s Next Great Adventure.”. Each time I lose someone close to me, I am in some way just a little bit jealous. They now KNOW just what that Next Great Adventure entails, while I still have to wonder about it all.

Blessings to you both,
Oregon Connie

Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and DP-
As it has been said words are to come by. But I thought I best to finally say something. I have been reading along this painful journey and my heart aches for you both. Both of you are a true inspiration! I admire your strength and wisdom! I hope knowing how much you are loved brings you great peace and comfort. My thoughts and prayers, as well as a few tears are with you! Through those tears is a smile for all the happiness you have brought to my life!
Thank you!
Margaret Thorn
(the other crawley sister)
(hannah's other godmother)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dp,
I love you and kevien and trooly so much! Sorry but i can't make it on friday but my mom and dad will be there and they will bring my love with them.


cathy stone said...

our strength, energy and love to you all

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Diana, you both know this about me -- that I am a devout agnostic. It is a trait that I think we share. There is so precious little to KNOW, to believe without doubt.

I know, without doubt, at least two things. The first I find amazing, and whenever I stop to ponder, always provides a comforting and enlightening bulwark against my learned cynicism -- two people CAN go through life's journey TOGETHER, and love each other unconditionally at every step. It seems a rare enough gift to me, but, in large part through my friendship with you both, I know that it is true.

The second is that each of us will face what you face now. I can only hope that when it is my time, I can face my death with the same grace and dignity. The next great adventure sounds right to me.

Thank you Kevin. Thank you Diana. Thank you for always leaving your many doors open to me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin and Diana,
I cannot wrap my head around this. I am wordless. I love you both.

Your grateful friend and mentee,