Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bad News

Things are changing fast -- in her PT session, dp couldn't raise either leg off the bed today. She's got a little more control of her right side, but it's also starting to be affected by whatever is going on.

We still haven't heard much. They brought in a portable x-ray about nine last night, and took a bunch of films. I can tell by the changed sheets that dp was taken somewhere after that. Her memory is pretty hazy, but she thinks it was for more x-rays. The nurse came in a little while ago, and said that there's an MRI scheduled for 12:30 to look at some "cord issues" (she said this while pointing to the base of her own skull).

We're still waiting to talk to a resident, but it's the first of the month (Happy April Fools), and they're changing rotations today. The name of her Doctor is on the door, but it's not Dr. C -- someone told dp he (Dr. C) was in to see her this morning while she was sleeping.

Meanwhile, a fresh young volunteer person came in to ask if we needed anything. At first, we said 'no,' but then she asked if we knew about the library. They've got the fourth Harry Potter book, and they called to say they were sending it up as we were finishing up the last chapter. (chapter 22, for those of you who go back to Unbound days...)

A couple of Doctors just came in. They again asked dp about movement and pain, and then said that they suspect a spinal tumor. They'll put her back on steroids immediately, to try and get some short-term shrinkage of the tumor, and the MRI will be to look for that.

...just got back from the MRI. They made me stay the waiting room (or was wait in the staying room?). dp says she stopped the test, but it took the hour that they said it was supposed to be. I'm thinking they might have ignored her pleas to stop until they got enough.

Now a resident came in to say that her potassium had dropped a lot yesterday, so they've done a couple of EKGs. They suggests that she's having a mild heart attack, so now we're waiting for the cardiology folks to come up and have a look at her. This seems like a crappy place to publish this, so I'll wait around a bit and see what happens next.

The cardio folks came in and listened to her heart. It sounds pretty good, and there's an old EKG somewhere that shows that she's had this rhythm before. They suggested another beta blocker, but weren't too concerned.

This was followed immediately by a neurosurgery resident, who did the same poke and prod and "how's the pain in your legs?" routine, and then disclosed that the MRI shows multiple spinal tumors. They don't know exactly which ones are causing the problems, so they want to nuke them, instead of the more normally-prescribed surgical intervention.

Still, this is the diagnosis I've been dreading for over a week now, and whatever treatment they choose is definitely in the realm of 'palliative' care.

They've sent up the neurosurgery resident that I talked to last Friday -- the guy to whom I told my fears, only to have her discharged the next day. Well, at least I got to say "I told you so..."


nancyturtle said...

Now I know why I haven't been able to sleep this afternoon, anyway. I read Kevin's fears between the lines and was lying here thinking that if there was a new tumor, radiation would be the most likely treatment strategy. It's worked on the other tumors, it just can't prevent the development of new ones. I'm guessing they will want to start right away.
I'm sure the morphine is making dp foggy, but pain control is what's important for now.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I talked to Tina's radiation oncologist yesterday about radial surgery for (what I thought was cancer that had spread to bone). Some people refer to it as a gamma knife, but it's the same thing. He says it works well in a very large percentage of the cases and can really also help with pain. He told me Iowa City is great with it You are in my heart...I want her pain to go away. Katie

Cranium Man said...

Ouch, ouch ouch! I had a feeling you were right, Kevin, when we talked the other night. I'll be on the road a lot today, so call if you feel like it.

You can say "I told you so" as many times as you want. I'll be thinking about you two.

Anonymous said...

Here is a story that came to me during my yoga practice this morning. I don't know if it will resonate with any of you. I appreciate traveling through this life, and this blog, with all of you.

Diana's spirit, energy, essence (however you may view it) is needed in the world several years hence. It needs to be fresh though... her self looking through new eyes.

This tiny story helped me find some of the comfort I was looking for.

I hope you all find the comfort you need in this time.


Cranium Man said...

That is helpful, thank you.

nancyturtle said...

This isn't the first time Diana and I have shared a lifetime, and I know it won't be the last. Any of the rest of you are welcome to come along on the next one, too.