Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday night in Da Woods

I stopped by on the way to band practice to bring my customary offering of single malt scotch. I sampled some to be sure it was safe. On my way home, it occurred to me that the scotch might have spoiled and that perhaps I should assure Kevin's safety by testing in just one more time. It is fine.

Diana says "thanks for all the visits!" Lilly, Carl, Patty, Drew, Cinda are all guilty of hanging out and spending time. Jeffy Vaughn has used Kevin and Diana as an alibi for a long time and now he's claiming to have been here when the fire started at his previous place of employment. All bets are off.

A social worker from Hospice came and was impressed. This is my interpretation. Damn it, why wouldn't she be?

In our own way we are all thinking about saying goodbye and it's good to think about doing that. I'm not going to say goodbye. I'm very grateful to be local and to have the luxury of spending time, and being whatever passes for "normal" fo us.

As one of those Beatles said, "You say goodbye, I say 'hello.'"

And what's up with Olive? She is just GREAT. Casually hanging out and being integral. I can see how all you Crawleys got reared.

Okay. I'm going to hang out more.

For right now, it's a sleepy evening in Da Woods.



nancyturtle said...

My friend Kris, the philosophical potter sent me a quote by Chief Seattle. "There is no death, only a change of worlds." She went on to say that the problem was that we are not all in the same worlds at the same time. But I think some of us travel together again and again, so I don't say goodbye. I just say see you in the next world or two. Or as Kevin said, "dp's Next Great Adventure."
Keep those windows open, Kevin.
Thanks for being the guest blogger tonight, S.

Anonymous said...

Thanks from here too Sam. Kevin forwarded me your blog yesterday, yet again, wonderfully put. Mom might want a little glass of brandy sometime. Give her a hug for us too! Katie

Cranium Man said...

Oh. Brandy! Good idea!

As I was driving home last night I thought more about this (big surprise). Like anyone, I'm capable of self-delusion, but what I think I'm trying to do with this is be grateful.

Look over and see someone you love and see if you are not grateful, too. Kevin commented last night that he feels like the guy on the Verizon commercial who has all these people behind him, keeping an eye on things.

I think most of us are fortunate in this way.

I'm still angry at cancer, at Bush, at all kinds of things that are just WRONG.

Last night I just savored a conversation with my dear friends, one of whom was drifting in and out, smiling and commenting just when we though she was oblivous to us.

Katie, glad you got a chance to check out my blog. DP also got me writing again, thanks to the sCenario, here. It's been a good place to air out my head.


dd said...

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. For me it’s not just a one time through thing. I circle and spiral up down and sidewise.

Its interesting, though not fun, for me to note the variety of things I can be angry or depressed about, the rich subject matter for my bargaining and denial. It’s weird how many times I can think, “Ok, I have gotten as deep as this goes…and finally reached full acceptance”, only to find myself pissed off (or whatever) again a week later.

I often close my yoga practice in the position of “no fear”, the right palm facing outward to the world---giving, the left palm turned up at the waist—receiving. Balancing these energies with no fear is a challenge for my day.

Anonymous said...

Not to get too caught up in my mother's alcohol consumption, but when I talked to her today, I told her that I'd suggested some brandy for her and she said maybe she should try some scotch. Kevin's got enough on his plate, I'm giving this one to you Sam. :)

Anonymous said...

When was the last time i laughed out loud reading this blog? poor olive, she's getting my mother's reputation as a lush. i'll have to bring over some of drew and cinda's homemade blackberry brandy, also known as "kickapoo joy juice". yesterday diana told me she was really enjoying soup these cold rainy days. maybe i should put some of our brandy in a bowl of fruit, boil it up into fruit soup and honor both diana and our friend terry mccoll who boot-scooted out of here so quickly last fall and whose "essence into tree" grows next door at da red house, near shorty's. yeah, that sounds like a good idea. uh-oh, look out, cinda's gonna be cookin' with alcohol. Hasta later all, A. Noni

Cranium Man said...

Well there is some very fine Macallan's downstairs that Olive should definitely take a sip of. Mighty fine.

I agree Dede with the circling and spiraling metaphor for all this. Certainly isn't a straight sequence is it? I'm not sure I'm in acceptance. I just know I want a little more time, so if she'll smile at me occasionally, I'll continue to drop by.

dd said...

mmm-hmmm me too s.

Yum cinda...can we drink it as soon as it's ready, or do we have to wait?

I invited Olive to my studio for her free massage (family gets one or more freebee). Hope she comes. no pressure though...can't hurt me by not wanting massage.

And it doesn't take the place of some good scotch.
