Monday, May 28, 2007


On dpWatch: ...managed another five loops of da Lane yesterday; filled the bird feeders; watched Kevin rebuild the top part of da Path; cleaned up around da Crick; helped run errands; did chores; found myself too tired for much of anything else from early evening on...

...the pain of the incisions and the ache in my right lung are diminishing -- just not as quickly as I'd like. While taking nothing for pain during the day, I'm finding that if I take something before bed, I can sleep more than an hour... exploring Guided imagery, Seated Yoga, Aroma Therapy...

On BirdWatch: ...still have the two oriels, though the indigo buntings seem to have moved on. We also have one, if not two, very small red belly woodpeckers...which reminds me that we haven't noted the flicker or red-headed woodpecker yet this year. The hummingbirds are here along with numbers of blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, mourning doves, woodpeckers (downy, hairy and redbelly), sparrows, wrens, titmice, catbirds, cowbirds and it looks like four red-wing blackbirds are now regulars at the feeders. Also a couple we haven't identified...warblers? thrushes?

On PlantWatch: ...this weekend's rain brought a new layer of lush to da Woods. The front part of da Lane is sporting iris and shasta daisies; cone flowers and roses are coming on. The blue spruce bed is holding strong, as are the new plantings that Katie, Co and Olive put in for us. Under the canopy, all of the hostas are up along with the bleeding hearts, foam flowers and columbines. Astilbe are budding.

...I left some hosta in the hanging baskets over the winter as an experiment, and half of them emerged last week! That's a whole new idea for us, the lazy yardeners. We grow them in containers (large barrel containers), but thought the hangers would be too small and exposed to survive. We'll expand that experiment this year...

On MarieWatch: day care available today, so Kevin and I are doing that. Her weekly hair appointment is on Mondays and will be a little earlier today because of the holiday. Many thanks to Irene for doing Mom's and Dad's hair the past ten years.

...should be warm enough for Mom to spend some time outside today. We're hoping that we can bring her to da Green House for some better bird watching and to see this phase of our gardens. Can't tell if the rain will be early today, or not.

On CancerWatch: We have an appointment with Dr. C on Wednesday to see if the crepitus is gone, if my lung is healed, and if I have nothing else which would prohibit beginning chemotherapy that day.

On BlogWatch: Thanks for the feedback to the last post. Up until recently it's seemed a bit one-dimensional; I guess that's what prompted my questions. Makes sense given that the blog was, initially, a place for us to post detailed accounts and information.

Then some of you began using this as a forum to correspond with one another and it took on another dimension for me. I, too, began logging in daily looking for comments. It's great to be able to share your thoughts, suggestions, ideas and experiences with everyone else.

So, if you're checking in here, please let us know how things are with you, as well.

Nettie, I understand that you got one of those new scooter-chairs. How has that enhanced your getting around? What's blooming in your yard? I'll be sure to pass your comments along to Mom. We've not yet copied the blog for her to read...

Sleeves: alternative interrogation techniques *blinks* Occupational hazard?? Been bowling lately? Golfing? Interesting cases?

Else: What do you, Mark, and the girls have planned this summer? How is Jim doing? Are you still making jewelry? (Did you know that the moon fits into the sun to form a clasp, or was that another serendipitous find for me??)

NancyTurtle: What's blooming there? How are the critters? New birds??

Colleen: The varigated plant with the yellow flowers in the front of the house is called Herman's Pride, yellow archangel. What are you all doing this summer?

Katie: Did the Red Bud tree and other plants survive the trip? Please pass along the following to Tina: Thank you for the letters and support. The notion of the frog as a totem is one that we like; thank your source for me. A frog can only move forward...

Sara: Thanks for the vitamins! Would you send the recipes for the enchiladas, lasagna and smoothies?

Sam, what's up with your clan? Gaining any ground with your Mom?

Liz, thanks for the information on the henna tattoos and for the update on you.

Kevin, what's been on your mind lately?

Looks like today's rain will be here a bit earlier than forecast, so we're off to mow, trim, weed and yarden.

...da Woods, what a healing place this has proven to be!

Have a Memorial Day!!

...and then come blog about it!!


Anonymous said...

Hi DP. Believe it or not, I've been hitting real golf balls at the driving range. That is, I usually manage to hit the ball, but where it goes is anybody's guess.

You probably know that Gene and Terry are in town. It has been GREAT to see them. They are leaving tomorrow, early evening, so I don't yet know what my plans are for tomorrow. I think I want to go to the airport if I can fit in the car.

Anyhow, I will see you this week, even if it is not on Tuesday.

As for bowling, I anticipate that you will teach me some new skills that we can practice this summer.


Lauren said...

We saw our very first pair of bluebirds outside yesterday (how exciting!) and thought of you :) I have an old bird spotting book I've been considering taking a look at again. It's been sitting on my shelf far too long..

Sounds like da Woods are blooming quite nicely! Be sure to take some pictures for me!

Mom just copied our favorite yoga video for you and is sending it either today or tomorrow. I hope you like it- morning yoga = very relaxing.

Last time I was at your house, Kev mentioned you being a Stephen King reader. Ever stumbled across the Dark Tower Series? If not, they are certainly something to be stumbled upon- I'm reading the third and thought you would enjoy it.

Say hi to Kevin and Marie for me, will you?

All my love,


Anonymous said...

K n dP: I have indeed been reading all along. have posted a couple of times as anonymous. figured You would know from what i said, that it was me, Cinda. so happy this glorious morning to hear your tone of cheer through the sadness and over the practicality of going on with life.

Keep doing the things you love as you are able. Let go of what does not bring you joy.

I would love to talk with you more about healing imagery. my surgery was successful in itself, but the outcome was not what i hoped for and the pain in my right shoulder is worse. i think i have a new pinched nerve. no more surgeries on spine though. will try other approaches in a more holistic pattern.

my garden grows beautifully as well, and am successfully growing food this year. the greens have been delish, and the first radishes very spicy. i ate asparagus straight from the dirt this morning. couldn't resist. felt like a bunny or something.

hope to actually see you sometime soon. hope your "crapitus" is gone. I have no google or blogger accounts, so you can just think of me as A. Noni Mouse

Love you both Cinda

dp said...

Sleeves! *wonders if there are lapels and pockets out there, too*

GOLF - Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden? Is that what I remember? Not that that will stop me... So you haven't been bowling yet? Do we still have coupons??

We'll miss you today and will look forward to you later this week.

High, Low! Bluebirds!?! Wonderful to know there's a place we can go to see them...they just don't like woodlands. *sighs* old bird spotting book? ...have you spotted any old birds?? *old duck ducks*

Tell Colleen 'TIA' for the tape; I'll be sure to let her know when it arrives.

Re King...he's someone who my students got me reading. I've read the majority of his books, but that would be over a decade ago... Thanks for the suggestion!

And, I think I'll cruise your list of favorite movies for some suggestions, as well. (Lauren's blogpage can be accessed by clicking on her picture in her comment here.)

What do you all have planned for the summer besides CFV? In any performances? Gigs for your band?

A Noni Mouse, I'm sorry to hear that the surgery wasn't the remedy you anticipated it would be. I'd be happy to share with you the things I'm looking at re stress reduction.

So glad that your gardens are there and producing for you. The poppies, iris and day lilies that you brought seem to be doing well. Can't say enough about the healing power of our gardens...but, then again, you're right up front there in that choir, aren't you... *smiles*

Thanks for posting, and make a great rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

Hi dp and Kevin. Just wanted you to know that I'm also reading along, and very much appreciate the time and information you're putting into the blog page. I don't have to tell you how often you're in my thoughts, I'm sure. And because you're both such great writers, reading your words is very much like listening to you speak. *smiles at the memories*

Since you, dp, always have a special affinity with the moon, I've been sending special healing vibes your way on the beautiful moonbeams that have been shining in my bedroom window the past few nights.

- Connie, your leowoman friend from Oregon

nancyturtle said...

We are enjoying a fabulous spring wildflower bloom this year, seeing old favorites as well as some we've never seen. I need to research some to get names. One in particular was not recognized by either of my long-time New Mexico gardener friends on Sunday. It reminds me of a lupine but is a very pale lavender color.
No new birds, but have seen several coming out of birdhouses and can hear babies in one on the garden fencepost. Say's Phoebes have nested there in the past....
The ravens and mourning doves are back in droves this year after a few year's of decreased numbers due to West Nile Virus. And two friends report seeing Western Tanagers so I'm on the lookout for one myself....

dp said...

*hugs her SisterOfThe14thMoon*

Hey, woman! Thanks so much for checking in. I’m unfortunately losing track of whom we’ve told about “the sCenerio.” So glad to read that you’re here! ...probably something we should address in the blog *ponders*

You’re one of the people for whom I have both email and snailmail started. I’ve been looking at the next 18 weeks as a good time to catch up on those kinds of things -- that and getting our business and estate issues a bit more settled.

I’ll add your warmth and moombeams to my mindful meditations. Thank you for being here.



...I keep trying to turn our cardinals into scarlet tanagers. ...haven’t been successful yet; mayhaps an eye examination is in order?

Is your camera working? Have you figured out if there’s a way to import photos to the comment section here? Has the owl been back? We should have Phoebes, but haven’t yet been able to ID one for sure.

Maybe someone reading here can help us identify the lupine-like wildflower. And, I’m sure there’s a wildflower site somewhere that’s as good as the hosta and bird sites we’ve visited...

*waves in a SW'ly direction*


Make a great rest of the week!

nancyturtle said...

Click on my name at the top of my comments and it takes you to my profile. There you will find a link to my new blog "Nancyturtle's notes. I can post pictures there to share with your blog readers....