Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Where To From Here?

Today's photo is one that Nancy sent to remind me that while our gardens are very different, there are some things that we do share. Our lilacs are holding their own; they're not growing as quickly as I hoped, but they're alive and producing a few more flowers each year. Mom brought back a cutting from her walk up the lane this weekend and the blooms are opening nicely.

Lessee, where have we been the past couple days...

Monday at rehab, I learned that the U pulmonologist wanted the Spirometry tests redone, and that was scheduled for this morning.

Since we had a couple sunny days before some rain was scheduled to blow in, I spent the rest of Monday and most of yesterday clearing and cleaning the yards. My hope is to have the yardwork set for the rest of the summer -- one of the nice things about growing perennials.

I've been having a weekly massage this past year to help with enhancing relaxation and minimizing stress; I've also noticed other benefits to my muscles and relief of arthritis, as well. Both Dad and Mom benefited so much from massages that we really regret not having started them earlier *sighs* So, in the spirit of strengthening my body systems prior to surgery, we've decided to do two therapeutic massages a week, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, until the surgery on May 4th.

I'm not doing anything with regard to eldercare beyond daily visits, but now that I have all this medical stuff scheduled during the day, I seem to have less time than when I had full-time jobs. Both Monday and Tuesday evenings I spent trying to finish up Dad's estate paperwork. I'd like to have that, along with all of the business records, in order prior to the surgery.

This morning was the second Spirometry test (lung function test). This time, however, I was dosed with albuterol for one of the runs. It appears that my lung capacity is not enhanced much by an this point, anyway. I could tell from the little I saw that I did better on this run than I did at the other hospital. I actually expected to since we've been working on daily physical and breathing exercises. I'll post those results as soon as we have them.

From there I went to Respiratory Rehab. They didn't seem to mind that I was 30 minutes early. There were high school students there shadowing the staff, and they seemed happy to have a willing guinea pig *smiles* Today they increased the speeds, reps and resistance of the routine. I'm still not anywhere near breathing hard from the routine. The Physical Therapist asked today if she could speak with the surgeon with regard to the current pace I can run as well as what he anticipates for following the surgery. Unfortunately I won't see her again until Monday, but I'll let you know what I learn through her.

Kevin and I continue to walk. Although last week we went out -- along a sidewalk with no tall grass -- and came home with over a dozen ticks...most of them on Kevin. Quite the tick magnet! We got Trooley a collar and took him to the vet today. Not sure how we'll keep them off us...

As I've been thinking about putting together a 'Spa Package' for our guests, and since I'm supposed to be doing things to relax, Dede and I are planning to venture out next Wednesday afternoon to see what's available locally. Should be able to write this adventure off as both business and pleasure; we'll be sure to let you know what we find. Seems to be a trendy gathering activity these days, so if we don't find what we're looking for then, we'll try again. If anyone has suggestions, please pass them along.

Am also exploring yoga. If you have any suggestions or directions, do let me know.

Last Saturday we learned of another friend who has stopped smoking cigarettes. Yeah, Micheal! *cheers* What a great thing to do for Earth Day!

These rains, while cold and windy, are making a huge difference in the greenery. Ron said he could actually see the flowering almonds tree blossoms open yesterday. Our Lancifola and Crispula hostas are up over eight inches, ringing the gardens in green. This year it's even more dramatic since we left the leaves as mulch.

Virginia Bluebells are now up, ferns are pushing up with the daylilies, lily of the valley is ready to flower, white trillium is in full bloom, and the rest of the woodland plants are poking through. Kevin cut both apple and pear flowers for Mom yesterday. Tulips are popping up along the lane, mayflowers are leafing and our redbuds are providing a wonderful color companion to the flowering crabapple. Jury is still out on the new garden in front of Mom's...I've ordered some fill-in plants, just in case *winks*

We started "the sCenario" originally to be able to inform all of you about what we were learning and the decisions we were facing. It's been a wonderful vehicle to get information from all of you, as well. Now, with everything on hold for a while, I'm not sure that there will be much new -- outside of the garden -- to write about.

Kevin and I have found it enlightening, as it's provided a unique communique between the two of us which helped highlight for us differences in our perceptions of what we've been hearing, seeing and feeling. And, it's providing us a nice record of what's happened: "Have you had any blood drawn since you've been at the U?"...I don't recall that I've had, but let me check our diary...nope, no blood draws done here...uh, nice stick *grins*

Don't know that we know how we 'feel' about all of this, nor that anyone is interested. Rollercoasters of emotions, thoughts, concerns... And we know there are a few more ahead of us. Our cousin, Carol, said that she and her husband began as soon as they could to live as normally as one can after hearing that one has a definable time left, and that makes sense to us.

I waffled between living the natural consequences of my life-choices, i.e., not doing a medical intervention, and availing myself of life-extending technologies, i.e., having the surgery. I try not to re-examine that choice too much now that we've made the decision, but I'd be lying if I said I don't have second thoughts. Ours is surely the priciest decision, I will say that!

We're pretty much moving day to day, like everyone else we know; keeping body and soul together. Knowing who wants or needs to know about all of this is still difficult. We haven't gotten to everyone, so if you know of someone who would be interested, please give them the address of "the sCenario."

This all further emphasizes for me the uselessness of the the greeting, "How are you?" For what it's worth, we're preferring, "Nice to see you!" as the greeting de jure; unless of course, you really want to stick around for a couple hours to hear how we are. *heh*

Let us know your thoughts. We can kind of converse through the comments fields here, as Nancy and Katie did. Both Kevin and I check here daily to see if anyone else has commented. If you're having problems with that, call or email us and we'll see if we can help you figure it out. Or, just call or email -- that still works just as well.

The weekend should be beautiful here following all of this rain. We've no guests aside from family and friends scheduled, so we have plenty of room until May 4th if you're up for a spontaneous visit.

If you're local, consider taking your walk here.


Anonymous said...

dp-Since I'm not really able to say Nice to see you...I will say Nice to hear from you. When mom heads over next week she is bringing a Crawley girl care package, an awesome card, and plenty of hugs from us! We love you. Katie

dp said...

Thanks, Katie! Nice to read you, too! I already can't thank you enough for all you've done, and you keep doing more. I'll add that to the stack of thanks. Thanks for commenting...we were wondering if anyone was still out there. Please hug everyone there for me. You're in my thoughts with love -dp