Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yardening As Rehab

Yesterday was the first day of Respiratory Rehab at the U. I'm spending time on the treadmill, the push bike and stairsteps. In addition, exercise to strengthen chest and arm muscles, as well as thigh muscles have been prescribed. The only thing that's different is that I'll only be doing two weeks of rehab instead of the prescribed three. We're pretty sure that I'll be back there following the surgery.

Thursday a friend decimated her garden for a rebuild, and we inherited boxes of day lilies, lily-of-the-valley, snow drops and a sedum groundcover. So I spent the rest of the afternoon getting most of those planted. Of course, no garden that we have is ready for new planting, so spring clean-up slowed the planting. The up side of that is that there's plenty more walking and bending left for me for today's exercise.

The down side of it is that I wasn't as interested in going for our evening walk last night *sighs*

I forgot to note that Thursday was the day that we first noted the serviceberry trees in bloom (white), as well as the three flowering almond trees (pink). We think that our magnolias survived the Indian Winter that we had a couple weeks ago. (We have Indian Summer in November; Kevin and I think we should also have Indian Summer *grins*) We're keeping a close eye on the crab apple, redbud and some of the dogwoods.

The scilla, hyacinths, bloodroot and daffodils have regained their bearings, both trillium are making good headway, and the wild ginger is poking up, along with many of the hostas (and the Virginia bluebells will be in full glory next week, Sara). Let us know if there are any plants we can plan to corral for you (the way we do wild geranium for Katie). (That goes for the FaeryDogMother, too.) Not much that we grow will survive where NancyTurtle and DonnaMarie live.

This seems the perfect segue to tell you all how much I appreciate the comments and to apologize for not knowing how and where to comment on the comments. Kevin has now educated me in blog-iquette, and I hope to do better with that.

We should also let you all know that we won't have any room for visitors the weekend of May 11-12. After that weekend, we're wide open and would love to see you.

Use one fewer sheet of paper product and tell someone you love version of green peace for today.

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