Monday, April 16, 2007

Cure-ious Thoughts

Spent the weekend cleaning up storm damage and starting to prep the gardens so that we'll be in a better position to take a couple months away from working outdoors *sighs*

We were told not to expect any results yesterday, so we scheduled errands.

Before I left, Respiratory Rehab called to say that they hadn't received any results yet, but that they hadn't forgotten about me. Well, we expected that...but apparently she didn't. *shrugs* Less than a minute later, the Cardio Dept. called to say that they had just gotten the results and that I should be fine to do rehab. *cheers*

I asked her to call Respiratory Rehab, which she apparently did; there was a message from the pulmonologist when I returned saying that I should report for Respiratory Rehab on Wednesday morning. *grins*

Well, cancer is certainly a trendy thing to be dealing with right now. On the heels of Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, yesterday's "Talk of the Nation" focused a good part of the show on cancer and the blog, MyCancer by Leroy Sievers, being carried on their website. It provided some interesting links and thought provoking topics.

We've noticed also that the evening magazine shows are beginning to feature the progress made on cancer fronts. Lastly, it seems I read from morning to night, and daily we find websites with more info, or we meet someone with more helpful info, experiences and suggestions and a willingness to share.

There was an interesting discussion during the NPR show regarding the ways people describe their relationship(s) with cancer. In my reading, I'm finding that cancers are like pregnancies -- each one is at the same time similar to many and yet very different from most. How we talk about it seems to have more commonalities: fighting cancer, coping with cancer, managing cancer, dealing with, and, more and more frequently these days, curing cancer (much to our surprise and delight).

I wasn't sure where I stood on the issue, but after some thought regarding the power of language in my life: I don't like the fight metaphor any more here than I did in the boardroom. I feel I'm 'coping' with a lot of things, but not the cancer per se. I don't feel that I'm 'managing' this, as it's clearly in the hands of 'specialists' and 'experts,' and most immediately it doesn't appear that chemo or radiation (things that manage, not irradicate the cancer) will be utilized; so far, I feel like others are 'managing' it, both with and for me. 'Dealing with it' just doesn't seem proactive enough for me...*ponders*

Maybe since I'm being allowed a 'rehab period' prior to an impending surgery, and since Kevin is requesting that I don't do anything else but take care of myself, I feel like I'm...Working to Cure this cancer.

Reading, researching, exploring alternatives, organizing, networking...much like many jobs I've done. Although I must say that no previous job that I've had required that I get eight hours of sleep each night, or consume all of these antioxidents, or do things that I find relaxing -- would that they had *sighs*

So, to all of you who have joined us here, or in your calls, emails, thoughts, prayers and well wishes, thank you for being a part of our Work to Cure this cancer.


Anonymous said...

your choice makes me weep
*sobbing gigglingly*. thanks.

Anonymous said...

You betcha Baby! We love ya! (Faery Dogmother)

nancyturtle said...

I love the metaphor of Working to Cure. It's a more positive concept than "Fighting"...
PS: dp, check your email for the latest bump in my road...