Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tumor Opinions

Seems clear that surgery is the best option.

We met with the first thoracic surgeon this morning. We meet with another surgeon on Thursday (4/5) and from what we've learned this morning, we could be in surgery early next week.

Initial feelings are that we're pretty comfortable with the surgeon we met this morning. He looked us in the eyes and answered our questions directly, making sure we understood everything. He's done a couple dozen of these operations over the past thirty years. When asked who he would have do the surgery on himself, he answered, "My partner." *sighs* He was almost pleased to hear we would be getting a second opinion from a surgeon that he knows and respects.

As much as Diana hates shopping, this is really frustrating. We don't recall 'Shopping for a Surgeon' in any of our Consumer Education classes, and now there's almost too much information. *argh*

Although, they keep referring to her as 'young' which constantly surprises her. Times certainly have changed quickly...

So, let us know what you think we should be asking in our comparative shopping adventures. We'll be sure to ask and to post the results.

We'll post again on Thursday once we've gotten our second opinion.


nancyturtle said...

Ask the same questions you asked the first opinion surgeon, including how many has he/she done. It's also a good idea to ask who will be doing the anesthesia and would the surgeon let the "gas passer" put him under.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - To be honest, I'm not sure what to say on blogs. But I can say I think you guys are doing great given what all is going and that if we can help, you know we're here. Love ya, DC