Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day of Surgery Lounge again...

We got here at 8:30, so somebody from neurology could glue the feducials (little lifesaver like things) onto dp's head. That turns a regular CT to a 'stealth' CT (they don't look all that stealthy to me, but what do I know?).

Anyway, Katie met us in the CT waiting room, and the CT was finished about 11. From there we went to the fifth floor -pre-surgery and waited there until about 1:30. A stop to meet the gas passer (an RN!), and they wheeled dp off about 2 for what's scheduled to be a two hour and 20 minute surgery. Katie and I went an got some lunch (the burger grill was closed, so we have to settle for salads), and now we're sitting back in the Day of Surgery Lounge.

Diana was in a pretty good mood -- any healthcare worker careless enough to just ask if she had any questions was queried about who would win the Democratic Presidential nomination. Pretty soon, they were just asking if she had any more questions in regards to today's surgery. She also got to tell the nurse anesthetist her 'why woman have no spatial perception' joke.

I think we'll be going back to the sixth floor neurosurgery ward after this, but I'll let you know when I hear more.


nancyturtle said...

Did anyone dare to answer the Democratic primary question??

I'll be checking back for an update in an hour or so.

Kevin said...

Not a one. A couple said they'd been following, but nobody was going to hazard a guess.