Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One More Tribute

The Memorial was lovely, moving, and really hard. There are pictures of the tree planting, but I'm not ready to go over them yet.

Here's the article that ran in the Gazette on Saturday. It didn't run in the online edition, so it doesn't google.

‘The magic of Diana’

Former I.C. teacher blogged about her battle with lung cancer
By Erika Binegar
The Gazette
IOWA CITY — Those who knew Diana Paulina, 61, of Iowa City, remembered her this week as a dedicated teacher and witty word game enthusiast who enjoyed making things beautiful and never had to raise her voice to be heard.

“Diana had a real presence,” said her husband, Kevin Crawley. “She’s the kind of person you meet and you just know right away that this is a pretty extraordinary person.”

Her brother, Carl Paulina, agreed. “That was the magic of Diana,” he said.

Paulina died peacefully April 28 after 14 months battling lung cancer. She blogged much of the experience to keep her family and friends up to date, and knitted about a dozen “chemo caps” in canary yellow, turquoise and bright red yarn Crawley, 52, of Iowa City, said his wife was an amazing person who inspired others. Paulina, who loved teaching, reading, music, crafts and gardening, believed there was no such thing as a bad pun, Crawley added with a laugh.

Carl Paulina, 58, of Ann Arbor, Mich., said his older sister taught him to dance, was extremely quick in conversation, didn’t turn away people in need and never shied from responsibility.

“When she was really young, she was already sitting at the grown-up table,” he said.

Paulina, who was raised in Dearborn, Mich., earned her graduate degree in alternative education from Indiana University.

In 1980, Paulina and Crawley founded Unbound Inc., a residential counseling center for people leaving cults. For 10 years, they helped those individuals make sense of what had happened to them and helped them reconnect with family.

From 1984 to 1998, Paulina was a language arts, reading and “school of hard knocks” teacher at the Iowa City alternative high school, CEC.

Paulina didn’t agree with traditional schooling, or shuffling students from one class to another at the sound of a bell, Crawley said. “She always thought it was more about turning people on to education, showing them that they could learn,” he said.

Paulina would read to her students in the morning and let them create art inspired by that story in the afternoon. She took students bowling on Friday afternoons and taught them to keep score — sneaking math lessons in through the back door.

In 1999, Paulina, an organizer, became general manager of Avalon Networks — the first private Internet service provider in Iowa City — and helped tighten up the business, Crawley said.

In 2003, Paulina, her parents and Crawley began running Da Woods Bed and Breakfast out of two houses tucked into the woods on the north side of Iowa City. It was something she could do while taking care of her parents at home, Crawley said.

Because Paulina believed dessert wasn’t just for dessert, her guests were treated to homemade scones and cream puffs for breakfast. A memorial celebration is scheduled at 1 p.m. today at Da Woods Bed and Breakfast, 2030 and 2040 Dubuque Rd.

Gazette writer Stephen Schmidt contributed to this report.
Contact the writer: (319) 398-8255


Cranium Man said...

I thought a lot about the whole thing yesterday as I was driving around. One of the hardest things for me will be thinking of Diana in the past tense. I'm sure I'm not alone in that I have a very strong sense of her presence in my life. I can only imagine that this is magnified for you, my friend, what with you having married her and all.

The other thing that struck me was what a crew we were -- old dear friends and family who have participated and borne witness to each other's passages for many years. It felt good to be surrounded by such good will and constancy.

I'm going to go find a shirt that doesn't need much ironing, shave my face, and get on with it. Kevin's taking the day off. Clever lad.

Anonymous said...

You are not alone Tunaman. I think and feel about Diana, ALOT, and I confuse myself with tense. Da Woods SCREAMS at me, filled with Diana's presence, so I find a private place and time to bawl my eyes out (it's that "guy" thing, but with Cinda, Marcy, Dede et al, my feminine side comes out, and I cry unabashedly with them). I wouldn't have it any other way. I cherish every reminder, every memory.

I cannot take the day off, so I'll wipe my eyes and get to writing.

nancyturtle said...

Someone started a meeting with me today with "How are you?" (he knew about Diana's passing). I replied "that's a bad question" and things went downhill from there. Mostly I focus on the good memories and the feeling that she lives on in all of us.

About blogging...Google has something they call team blogging where multiple people can post. It's done by invitation from an originating "administrator". What do you think? I'd be willing to get something going......

Cranium Man said...

I think the team thing would be fun, and maybe more flexible.

I've been to Da Woods a couple times this week, hanging out. It's wonderful, safe place to be. Kevin and I sat and watched birds.

That's one hell of a garden DP left. The wild chrysanthemums are going off. The stream meanders and the mossy rocks are satisfying.

Sometimes it's best to be in the moment, in our own skin, and to listen. If we listen closely sometimes we can hear what's next. It's coming, the next thing.

nancyturtle said...

OK, so we'll need a title, and I'll need email addresses for the invitees. You'll end up with a Google email address, so if you already have one, send it along.

"LESSONS FROM dp"????? Just a thought.

nancyturtle said...

Or the slightly more generic "Lessons From daWoods"

Cranium Man said...

Or just "Lessons."

nancyturtle said...

That works, too. Anyone else want to weigh in on this new venture?

Anonymous said...

I am game...but I never had anything as interesting to say as you guys...I bet the other sisters will weigh in as well.Katie
Sam..thanks for hanging at the woods and being a friend who understands the strength in silence.

nancyturtle said...

Katie, I sent an invitation to join to your work email. If you want to use a different one let me know. Or you might be able to change that once you are on there. I'm learning how this works as we go along. I'll post something there in the next couple of days.
For you lurkers, the URL is nancyturtle2.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,
After a long drive back to Texas with Cormac McCarthy's recent post-apocalyptic book "The Road," I packed up the camp gear and went to an island in the Red River, up near Oklahoma.
A good place to think. And I thought about dp and you all.
I came away with, what I went there with. My life is good, and I am all the better off for having known you all.
Thanx for making it all so good!
And now I'm gonna go hit golf balls!
