Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Day After President's Day

Not much new to report -- we're a week into the new drugs, and if they are working, they're working slowly. Some of the right-side numbness seems a little better, particularly for a couple hours after she takes the drugs. The swelling under the incision site (that's where the extra spinal fluid is going, Nancy) seemed like it got smaller early, but I'm not sure that it's stayed that way. I suspect that it's responsible for some of the swelling at the back of her neck, as well.

As Dede mentioned, the swelling at her temples is down, but I think that's because we're down to just 1mg of steroids a day. dp's blood pressure is back to normal, as is her appetite. We've got an appointment with Dr C (he called Sunday morning just to check in) next week, and with the neurosurgeon the week after that.

And yes, the weather still sucks -- we got another couple inches of slush Sunday, which then flash-froze to be covered with another couple inches of snow. Still, we're in the second half of February, so time is on our side...

Notes from dp:
Dennis: Judging from your schedule changes, we're assuming the current trip is off. Fortunately, our schedule is pretty open, so we'll probably be able to fit you in when you're able.

Packages should be on their way to New Mexico and Lacrosse. Let us know when they get there.

Regarding Marie: The plan A to keep her at home is the clear favorite, and we might be close to finding a new person to help out. Failing that, we're pretty sure we'd like to keep her in a nursing home here, rather than in Michigan.

Nancy: Kevin is injecting Lovenox in my thighs -- not my stomach. From the sounds of it, that's a better way to go...

AJ and Robyn's centurytel email addys are bouncing -- got new ones?


nancyturtle said...

Thanks for the update. If Diana's appetite is back I think the Diamox is beginning to work internally, even if you can't see outward changes.
My package arrived Tuesday. I'm munching on the chocolate covered toffee now. Yum!
I've asked for time off the third week of April and am looking at being in IC the 16th-23rd. Will that work for you? Will the tulips be up then?

Cranium Man said...

It will be good to see you again, Nancy. If the tulips come up here they're going to have to push through the 4 feet of snow piled up on the flower patch.

I spoke with dp briefly Tuesday night and she was pretty tired of feeling bad, and seemed a bit discouraged that the new treatment wasn't working better. On the one hand, I share her impatience, and on the other, it's pretty clear that Diana's potential for "drive" is still there. I know she'd really like to get up and get moving and GET THINGS DONE!!!!!

Kevin remains upbeat, supportive and very matter of fact in his role. If I ever need a husband, I'm going to Kevin first.

I'm not wanting to report "on" you, folks, but since there is not much news these days (and that's still good), blogging has been more scarce, and I thought this might help.

Go Barack!!!!

nancyturtle said...

Thanks for the update, C-Man. I'm still waiting for a cheap fare, but I'll be there sometime that week. As for the political scene, have you looked at my blog lately? I wonder if I could establish a residency in Texas in the next ten days?????

nancyturtle said...

I spoke with dp a short time ago and learned that their internet cable was out yesterday. They should be back online today.
dp-I made the reservation for April 16th and Northwest Airlines will email the info to you soon. Don't forget to check in junk mail or spam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates you guys! We're expecting 8 more inches tomorrow. Andrew says there is a drought in Spain. Just passing that on! With our luck, monsoons of some sort will hit in a month when we go to visit.
Kevin and dp...once the weather warms up and the snow melts...expect us down there with rakes as well! xxoo Katie

Cranium Man said...

Oh my, Nancy. I had missed this. Thanks! I regret not going to the rally I was invited to her in Iowa. I had already decide to support BO so I didn't go.

Hillary and Bill will pull everything out of their bag of tricks but the kitchen sink in the next week or so. I predict Texas and Ohio go Barack's way.

Anonymous said...

Appointment with Dr. C yet? We're just wondering how things are going. Love you! Katie