Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Fatigue... just not to be believed -- utterly indescribable and frustrating.

Can't do anything physical without needing to rest at a 5:1 ratio; can't think to write; can't write to think, knitting tires me, reading tires me, not doing anything tires me the most, so I started a new cross-stitch project which is tiring me...

Went to Healing Touch last night; it was calming -- I don't seem to tire of calming.

I slept through last night -- for the first time in a long time. The RadioTherapy Burn on my left shoulder blade is healing well.

Today is better. ...I'm still feeling like I'm jittering out of my skin, but only about a quarter of the time; still drives me a bit buggy.
*considers jitter-bugging*

Happy Birthday, Bree, our 10/10 member of Our Birthdate Club!

Tomorrow I'll write more about:

Our friend, Terry McCall, died this past Saturday; we'll host a BonFire Tree Planting Memorial on Sat., 10/20 at 4pm. Blessed Be!

The ShortyMobile is now where Dad wanted it.
*breathes a sigh of relief*

Stay hydrated and make a great rest of the day!
*hoists up a tall glass of cool, clear water*

Happy Humpday!!

Howz by youz!!!


nancyturtle said...

I'm thinking the fatigue is partly steroid withdrawal. I still am puzzled at the docs not thinking you would need to wean off slowly.....
I'm going to take pictures of Hot Air Balloons in the morning and my fountain pot tomorrow afternoon. Stay tuned for film at 11....

Cranium Man said...

I was tired yesterday, too, and I don't have half the stuff going on that you do. Sleep is a drug. Take it. Walker and I both dropped off about 8 last night, me in my chair, Walker on the Persian rug. Pretty good use of a good rug, methinks.

Fall nips the air. S.

dp said...

...and we nip back!

NancyTurtle, I think I look like a cross between your fountain and a Hot Air Balloon *sighs*

CraniumMan, methinks about rugs, too!

...we'll be looking better today...which should not be confused with being better looking today *grins bigly*

Make a great rest of it!