Saturday, June 30, 2007


Yesterday, dp completed her first cycle of chemo, even though we didn't do anything. Next Friday, she'll get carboplatin and gemzar again to begin cycle two. She's still pretty low-energy, with nausea and headaches lurking around in the background.

I had my annual physical yesterday, and I seem to be healthy all the way around. I guess it's time for another endoscopy (my last one was 11 years ago), so I have that to look forward to sometime this summer.

Meanwhile, we could use a volunteer or two -- dp has two trees that she would like moved. They're a little taller than dp...

The photos are from last year -- two with the telephoto lens, and one with the macro. I like close-ups...


nancyturtle said...

These pics are great. I see a new business endeavor in the making. All you need is access to a large format printer....

At your suggestion, Kevin, I have again made my blog private. (For those who don't already know, my blog was spammed last week.)

To find me now, you'll need to use the web address below. Add it to your favorites or bookmarks for easy repeat visits.

Sam, I think I too am hooked on this blog thing. Do we need to start Bloggers Anonymous?

Anonymous said...

I get pretty good quality printing out of my Dell photojet and a photo cartridge. Can't get bigger than 8 x 10 though. I love the hummingbird shot.

Sorry about your Spam, Nancy. I have gone through my settings and tried to thwart the pre-google-settings.

Glad you're healthy Kev. I'm looking forward to the big scope in a couple years myself. I turn 49 soon. May stay there.

dp said...

...49, eh? ...something cosmic about turning 49 on 7/7/07...something square about turning 49 on 7/7. Cosmically Square TunaMuse...

Rather than the printer route, we're doing: Let us know what you think; what might you pay for the various items?

Have been checking both blogs *grins*