Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dear Diary

Spent the weekend yardening and thinking about this week's app'ts.

Tuesday was the Radiology CT; Thursday is the PET and the final meetings regarding the protocol. Given that schedule, coupled with my wanting to get a few more things taken care of before I begin the protocol on 5/23 -- a week from today -- we've decided that I will do my pulmonary rehab at home.

This is something we feel we can do because the staff at the U's Rehab facility did such a good job educating me and has been so supportive even after I discontinued my regular schedule there (I visited last week while waiting for another appointment *waves to Nurse Nancy and the staff*).

One of our worries was the weather, but Mother Nature is delivering great walking and gardening weather for the next week. Once the temps rise again, I'll be exploring a return to the U's Rehab which we think has been so beneficial in speeding my recovery following the mediastinoscopy, etc.

Unfortunately, the cold that Kevin got a week ago was no better on Monday, so we packed up and took him to the doctor. While there, I got swabbed, as well. Both of us showed negative for strep; Kevin was given an antibiotic for the ear infection. I was given a B-12 injection last week as a precursor to the protocol and we're thinking that's keeping my sore throat at bay...?...

The Radiology CT scan was a bit different in that my chest is now marked and taped with areas that need to be preserved -- for future alignments for the radiation treatments. It produced a 3-D image from which our Radiation Team will plot the paths of radiation beams. We also met our Patient Advocate who was able to arrange an appointment with the Alternative MD this afternoon. I am looking for both nutritional information as well as relaxation/stress reduction techniques.

Nancy has been attending all of our appointments this week; it's been helpful having an educated third ear. It surprises us how often each of us hears something different in the discussions. It's been quite helpful comparing notes after the appointments.

Our apologies for not posting since Saturday, but yesterday a long-time friend, Rod, arrived; it sounds like he'll be able to stay for a few days *yeah*. (Mom not only remembered him, she was amazingly accurate in her memories of our time together over twenty years ago.) Mom's physician also visited yesterday. And both Nancy and I had massages yesterday afternoon. And yesterday's was Kevin's Billiards Day *grins*

I ordered some plants for Mom's East Lawn Garden. They arrived yesterday, so we'll do our best to get those in the ground before the rain predicted for this afternoon arrives. I was hoping they'd be here before we begin the protocol.

Current discussion on the Cancer Blogs I visit are on the topics of "appearance" and the words we use to describe this journey that we're on, i.e., waging war, fighting a battle. Because language is such an interest of mine, I'm thinking of posting there...I'll let you know if I do.

I'm still unsure where I am on the appearance issue...what is normal looking? do we care? will the stares bother us? will my appearance make others uncomfortable? do we care? (Someone noted that shaving one's head bald is becoming a trend *heh*) do we want to talk about this leg of our journey with strangers? with loved ones? when someone tells me how good I look, should I disclose our diagnosis?? can I ever again deal with the greeting, "How are you?" without disdain for how meaningless it is? (I barked at the last nurse that greeted me that way...)

All this, and we're just a couple steps into this job and journey *sighs*

It's been wonderful reading the comments. Thanks for hanging in here with us.

Make a great week!


  1. Just wear an orange frock and everyone will think you're a Hare Krishna. They'll still stare, but for different reasons.

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, Wes!

    How lovely to read you again! And how touched I am that you've been following this. *hugs*

    Your suggestion was worth many laughs today, and then some; thank you for those!! Tumor humor just isn't for everyone...

    We still have seats open in the Cosmic Comic Cancer Corner (cancer seems to be bringing out the alliterations in me *winces*). ...would be wonderful to have you apply *grins bigly*

    Today we discussed who might pay to advertise on my head, or what we might want to say there. We'll be looking forward to your suggestions for that *nods*

    Regards to those we know in common.

    And, thanks, again, for making time.

  3. dp,
    Perhaps I can be of assistance with the nutritional info. I would be thrilled to help in whatever way I could.
