Saturday, March 24, 2007

Friday's Tell

The Pulmonary Stress Test was done on Friday, 3/23.

First, a baseline blood pressure and an EKG were taken.

The test itself involved biking while being attached to electrodes. Headgear held a breathing tube, and the nostrils were pinched closed; it was similar to riding a bike up an ever-steepening hill while wearing scuba mouthgear. Computers monitored the lungs and heart.

...aaaaaaahhhhhhhh, the wonders of modern technology.

While the specific results of the pulmonary stress test will not be available until next week, we are being led to believe that surgery is a viable option, if indicated as a possible course of action.

Next Tuesday will be the PET scan which will tell us if the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body.

We then need to meet with tumor specialists: an oncologist and a surgeon. *grinsbigly* First the oncologist will help us assess the stage of the cancer and the recommended treatment(s). Then we meet with the surgeon. Sure would be nice if we could arrange a meeting of both of them along with the pulmonologist and our family physician, wouldn't it??

Once that information is collected, we'll need to determine whether surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, or some combination and order of the three is the best course of action. ...and how quickly.

We are still trying to cobble together eldercare so as not to have to move Marie, in both the short term and the long term. The Foley Catheter makes things sooooooooooooo much easier for the time being...gotta love that Contrast Principle! *heh* And, it means we can consider a less-skilled care provider for that particular need.

Rain and thunderstorms will keep us from being able to work outside this weekend, but will help open the daffodils that are up and ready. We spotted half a dozen this morning.

Also noticed that the deer are grazing the tulip leaves, up almost six inches *sighs* We have a techno-fix to try this year...we'll see...

We are generally well and greatly appreciate the healing thoughts and well wishes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A pulmonologist with a cold. We wish him a case of athelete's foot, at least, for revenge. What next, a surgeon with hiccups? S.